Our mission is “to reconcile individuals and their families to God, each other, and society.”
We educate persons in the community as well as those incarcerated to promote positive transformation of behavior. In the process, we offer a variety of material to assist released offenders, families of offenders (especially those with children) and those struggling with addiction recovery. We work with persons on county probation and parole supervision. VetNet is a unique outreach providing curriculum to our military (those currently active, serving in the reserves, and retired as well as family members). Many of these suffer with Post-Traumatic Stress.
Buck Griffith is President of Family Upreach, Inc. (dba: NewLife Behavior Ministries). Family Upreach received the 2018 Governor's "Restorative Justice" Award in Austin. This award was presented by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice Chairman Dale Wainwright, TDCJ Executive Director Bryan Collier, and signed by Governor Greg Abbott.
Family Upreach, Inc. received its first Governor's Award in 1994 from then Governor George Bush.
The NLB curriculum has been recognized for many years by TDCJ for its effectiveness in facilitating positive change among incarcerated men and women.
A native of Corpus Christi, David A. (Buck) Griffith, has served as President of Family Upreach, Inc. (NewLife Behavior Ministries) since June 2002.
Buck has been involved in jail and prison ministry since 1977 and has authored numerous books, study courses, and other materials to help prisoners, recovering addicts, and families.
His latest book - "Loosed & Forgiven" - was released earlier this year. It is a guide to help those starting or expanding a ministry to the incarcerated, their families, those in addiction recovery, and the newly released.
One of the most interesting features at Family Upreach is the absence of paid staff. Folks come wanting to apply for a job but we tell them honestly, "We have no openings. Family Upreach has no employees. However, we are always on the lookout for a good volunteer!"
We are able to accomplish what we do with an all-volunteer army. This does not necessarily mean all our workers are unemployed but if salaried, it is through some other source. Many are retired, work at other jobs either full-time or part-time, are self-employed, etc.
This allows 100% of donations received to go immediately and directly into the fruitful and productive aspects of this ministry.

Through this door...
A wide variety of Very Important People enter through this door seeking guidance and help. Some have just been released from a jail or prison and want to know what to do (or not to do) to avoid going back. Others are concerned family members who are in search of resources to assist their loved ones addicted and/or incarcerated. Many enter these doors to take part in faith-based 12-Step groups. Still others enter with a desire to volunteer and "give back" in some way to make our community better and safer.

Little Angels
At Family Upreach, we refer to babies and small children of men and women in prison as "Little Angels." We call them this because they have done nothing wrong but are adversely affected because of an incarcerated parent or parents. The last thing we desire is to see children to grow up, break the law, and become part of the criminal element in our community. We want them to know they are loved and deeply valued. With available funds, we purchase $25 Wal-Mart or HEB gift cards. This is NOT a Christmas-time program. "Little Angels" operates 365 days a year. We will touch the lives of over 1000 this year through this effort alone. The child may not get a toy but be in greater need of pampers, food, shoes, sweater, or getting a prescription filled. Or a toy may be EXACTLY what is most needed! We also have supporters whose "gifts" include dolls, toys, balls, baseball gloves, games, etc. Nothing can compare with seeing joy and excitement on the face of a Little Angel!
Life Changing Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to help persons transform their negative behavior into positive. The courses are not "Bible" studies but are faith-based and use the Bible as the basic text. Seven of our fourteen courses are now available in attractive student workbooks such as . . .
"A Sense of Self"
"Parenting Matters"
"True Freedom"
"Christian Marriage Skills"
"Attitudes & Behaviors"
"Christians Against Substance Abuse"
"Managing My Anger"
Each course consists of thirteen lessons, including a "Multiple Choice Test" at the end of each lesson to verify comprehension. Attractive certificates are awarded to those successfully complete all 13 lessons.
Plans are to soon complete our 15th course, Managing My Dollar. This will not be a series instructing students on how to succeed in the stock market. It will share practical ways to stretch limited dollars to cover our basic needs. Research tells us that financial pressure leads to desperate actions that usually only "dig the hole deeper."
Real people are REALLY Hungry ...
When some come through our doors right out of a jail or prison, the needs are basic and obvious - food, soap, and daily hygiene items. Even while locked up, we often assist family members in the community.
Incarceration is hard on families, especially the small children. We work to salvage families.
It is almost impossible to get help or a job if hungry and unclean. Work clothes are needed, steel-toed work-boots and certain tools may be essential to show up the first morning on a new job. We cannot do "everything" but with your help, we can do some things.
VetNet is a unique effort to provide our life skills curriculum to our military: active, reserve, and retired as well as family members. All fourteen courses are free, including the series for children. Unfortunately, many vets are incarcerated today. Many began their military careers with habitual, negative, and destructive behaviors that only worsened over time. Once released, they have an uphill climb. They deserve our BEST! We prefer to help before they get into trouble with law enforcement. What they have seen and experienced takes its toll on all relationships - parents, spouses, children, friends. Our marriage skills, parenting, anger management, and substance abuse recovery courses are the most popular.
Relapse Prevention
Pat Watson, does an amazing job with Family Upreach's Friday evening "Relapse Prevention" sessions in our office. One-on-one appointments are also available. Pat was trained by the late Jerry Hinkes, and was a LCDC with the Council of Alcohol & Drug Abuse before beginning his work with us here.
We host three Winners Circle peer-support group meetings for felons in the Coastal Bend (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays). Rick Cantu has facilitated the Winners Circle meetings for over 15 years. Also, there is a special co-ed group that meets on Wednesday nights.
The attendance of probationers and parolees is verified to supervisors by fax the morning after meetings.
Those released from inpatient treatment are strongly urged to receive intensive aftercare (meaning at least 3-5 meetings weekly plus, one-on-one help when possible). Our sessions are faith-oriented and Bible-based.
Spanish Studies
Gary Thompson and Frank Maxey teach weekly classes to the male inmates in Nueces County Jail. The women are taught by female volunteers and coordinated by Glenda Watson. These weekly classes have been continuously taught for over 42 years.
Gary also handles all the correspondence courses in Spanish. Most of our fourteen courses are available in Spanish while the remainder of the curriculum is currently being translated. At this point, there are over 1500 Spanish-speaking students enrolled.
Other volunteers teach in various prisons and the NLB curriculum is supplied to many others who utilize it in a wide variety of locations.
Healthy Choices
To the extent possible, NewLife Behavior Ministries helps ex-offenders and family members get needed prescriptions filled. Support groups help encourage each other. Some groups are especially for ex-offenders and/or addicts while others are for their family members and friends. One such group offers classes for children of all ages while adults participate in their group. In this way, the entire family benefits. Reducing stress, getting on a healthy diet, and maintaining it helps. We refer persons in need of emergency help to other agencies through the use of "Street Sheet" listings. This includes child and spousal abuse.
Ministering to men and women incarcerated, NewLife Behavior Ministries constantly searches for the best possible (and economical) housing available. We maintain a list of shelters. A person's history of offenses can make it more difficult to place some than others. We seek to identify businesses willing to hire felons and offer a Second Chance. Thus far, we have identified almost 400 such firms. We assist qualified persons in receiving a free cell phone to find employment and get off the streets. No single program can meet all needs. This is a collaborative effort that involves numerous other programs and nonprofit organizations.